Get Functional & Beautiful Mulch for your Collinsville Landscapes

Why Use Mulch?

mulching services collinsville il

Mulching services can help increase the visual appeal of your flowerbeds and landscaping. However, it also does more than just help increase the visual appeal. Mulch helps retain moisture, slows down weed growth, provides nutrients, insulates the soil, protects plants from temperature variations, and controls erosion.

Organic mulches are also great for improving the condition of your soil. This is because these types of mulches slowly decompose, and provide organic matter back into the soil, keeping the soil loose. Doing this helps improve root growth, increases the infiltration of water and can help improve the water-holding capacity of the soil. Organic matter is also a great source of plant nutrients and can provide an ideal environment for earthworms as well as other beneficial soil organisms.

Advantages of Mulching in the Fall

During the spring and summer seasons, mulching can help control weeds. However, mulching in the fall has a different purpose. During the months ahead, the temperatures will change drastically, causing the ground to heave as it freezes and thaws. This forces the root systems of most plants to come up from the soil, exposing them to the elements. Mulching can help maintain a more even temperature as well as raises the freeze line, which helps earthworms work closer towards the surface of the soil. Applying fall mulch when the ground is near frozen is recommended. The best types of mulch for the fall would be bark and composted bark mulches. This is because they make a neat finish on your garden bed as well as will improve the condition of the soil.  Mulch such as these may last for one to two years, or more, all depending on the size of the bark and how well composed the bark mulch is. Smaller chips are easier to spread around your landscaping, especially if you have small plants.

Starting the Mulching Process

mulch process collinsville illinois
mulch landscaping collinsville il

Benefits of Mulching

Installation of mulch can help provide a layer of organic material that is spread over the surface of the ground. This can help reduce evaporation from your soil, helping conserve water. This is an extremely effective way of keeping surface  roots of your plants cooler during the hot weather, as it keeps the soil temperature cooler. It also helps keep the moisture in the soil, preventing your plants from becoming drought stressed.

Mulching also has the benefit of reducing the number of weeds that pop up in your landscaping. If you have proper mulching, it can inhibit the germination of weed seeds as it prevents them from receiving light.

When it comes to mulching, you can trust that Pine Valley Lawn Service has got your back. Our team can help make sure that your garden is protected and ensure the healthy growth of your plants by adding mulch to your landscaping. Whatever type of mulch you are looking for, our Collinsville, IL mulch installation experts can get the job done.

Our Collinsville, IL Mulching Services include:

mulch installation collinsville illinois
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